Firearms Training

5 Dogs IDPA July Match

July 14, 2012
Full Results  -   All Participants

Click for IDPA website
Printable Results (in .PDF format, requires free Adobe Reader)
      CDP Champion:  Ky Ho    Unclassified 198.12 (53)
      ESP Champion:   Edward Reyna    Master 129.56 (33)
      SSP Champion:   Adolfo Gallardo    Expert 113.33 (36)
      SSR Champion:   Ken Gonder    Unclassified 282.05(111)

      High Senior:  John Zaragoza    SSP - Master 125.93 (39)
      High Junior:  Edward Reyna    ESP - Master 129.56 (33)
      Most Accurate:   Ky Ho    SSP - Marksman 159.97 (26)
Numbers in (parenthesis) are target points down
Bold scores are stage winners
DC is Division Champion
* Shooter is unclassified in this division, shooting his/her highest other classification
Place   Name   Match Score Penalties
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
CDP    Marksman
1 Jonathan Collada * 296.98 117 0 0 6 45.36(16) 68.94(8) 49.80(16) 84.31(45) 30.27(22) 18.30(10)
2 Mark Potaczala 302.91 62 0 0 1 50.06(9) 49.15(16) 67.32(3) 76.02(23) 38.75(10) 21.61(1)
CDP    Novice
1 Flint Epps 223.15 56 0 0 0 36.91(14) 41.02(4) 53.09(13) 48.49(17) 23.27(7) 20.37(1)
CDP    Unclassified
DC Ky Ho 198.12 53 0 0 1 34.45(4) 42.31(11) 27.39(4) 55.60(23) 24.45(9) 13.92(2)
1 Michael St. Claire 258.76 97 0 0 4 40.64(9) 31.04(12) 46.14(10) 79.23(43) 40.80(20) 20.91(3)
ESP    Master
DC Edward Reyna 129.56 33 0 0 0 22.82(3) 21.36(3) 15.77(0) 38.44(15) 21.96(11) 9.21(1)
ESP    Expert
1 George Semchak Jr 135.91 35 0 0 0 30.35(5) 18.32(3) 23.10(4) 30.57(14) 21.57(6) 12.00(3)
ESP    Marksman
1 Jeremiah Morris 180.81 56 0 1 0 33.02(9) 30.18(9) 32.36(6) 38.39(17) 30.52(14) 16.34(1)
2 Rick Plummer 196.87 81 0 1 2 35.37(9) 35.11(9) 30.05(6) 51.32(38) 30.38(14) 14.64(5)
SSP    Master
1 John Zaragoza 125.93 39 0 0 1 21.55(5) 15.79(2) 25.67(6) 32.97(17) 18.85(3) 11.10(6)
SSP    Expert
DC Adolfo Gallardo 113.33 36 0 1 0 26.45(10) 21.62(9) 16.75(0) 24.22(11) 14.52(1) 9.77(5)
SSP    Sharpshooter
1 Mike Richey 140.14 27 1 1 0 18.57(1) 29.27(2) 25.50(2) 23.01(8) 32.81(13) 10.98(1)
2 Leonard Trunkey 144.46 40 0 0 0 25.63(7) 21.86(7) 29.80(4) 31.52(15) 22.59(7) 13.06(0)
3 Bill Bailey 149.14 44 0 0 0 31.96(11) 23.70(3) 24.73(7) 32.32(9) 25.58(13) 10.85(1)
4 Wesley Morris 163.66 33 1 0 0 32.08(3) 25.75(7) 31.16(4) 31.00(13) 24.46(4) 19.21(2)
SSP    Marksman
1 Mike Swaney 145.99 54 0 3 0 30.24(6) 26.25(12) 24.26(14) 34.49(18) 20.11(2) 10.64(2)
2 Ky Ho 159.97 26 0 2 0 31.25(9) 34.94(4) 26.77(0) 34.99(10) 18.79(1) 13.23(2)
3 Dean Nethery 186.03 63 3 2 0 28.06(11) 48.97(22) 24.30(4) 31.16(11) 34.55(14) 18.99(1)
4 Jason Fleming 209.84 30 0 3 0 39.72(1) 41.79(0) 40.70(5) 41.73(14) 30.83(9) 15.07(1)
5 David Bratcher 225.48 68 0 1 0 42.29(14) 39.44(6) 36.33(11) 48.86(25) 38.06(11) 20.50(1)
6 Cliff Van Kopp 239.87 35 0 2 2 41.32(3) 29.91(0) 46.23(1) 65.18(25) 33.44(6) 23.79(0)
SSP    Novice
1 Werner Drouin 298.40 98 1 1 4 66.68(15) 58.87(14) 51.70(12) 65.53(35) 37.76(17) 17.86(5)
SSP    Unclassified
1 Scott Mawson 180.18 64 0 1 1 38.87(22) 27.18(7) 22.95(1) 45.52(18) 27.78(11) 17.88(5)
2 Jonathan Collada * 183.29 80 0 2 1 28.99(17) 46.06(20) 34.99(16) 34.00(15) 26.66(10) 12.59(2)
3 Dustin Silva 207.81 75 0 1 2 37.92(3) 34.20(11) 31.17(19) 64.03(24) 25.54(13) 14.95(5)
4 Kerry Savee 225.56 43 0 2 0 38.59(1) 51.95(4) 33.39(9) 43.88(7) 38.98(20) 18.77(2)
5 Josh Wampler 285.04 110 4 1 2 55.09(15) 55.13(23) 64.72(22) 53.34(28) 27.68(16) 29.08(6)
6 Corey Danitschek 376.08 141 2 5 8 63.83(24) 74.05(26) 41.09(9) 96.60(43) 58.01(34) 42.50(5)
7 David Chavez 444.77 123 3 4 6 75.72(35) 54.81(14) 82.03(21) 144.01(37) 39.97(15) 48.23(1)
SSR    Unclassified
DC Ken Gonder 282.05 111 0 3 3 53.62(28) 53.45(17) 50.45(8) 74.47(42) 30.16(14) 19.90(2)

Key to Penalties:

  • PD - Target Points Down. Each point down adds 1/2 second to your score.
  • NT - Hit on Non Threat target. Each HNT adds 5 seconds to your score.
  • PE - Procedural Error. Each adds 3 seconds to your score.
  • FN - Failure to Neutralize (no hits in the 0 or -1 zone) Each adds 5 seconds to your score.






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$ 80 Recert